Bucksnort Pricing
Bucksnort Plantation offers a number of options for your hunting pleasure. Our goal is to provide you with an exciting hunt, trophy quality game, and as much time and space as you need to enjoy your stay with us.
Click on the links below to go directly to the pricing for each package or just scroll down to view all packages
DOVE/DEER Package:. - $60,000.00 (Currently booked thru Jan 31, 2011. Next Bidding available for 2011-2012 Deer Season) - 10 members or less. - lease starts September 15 and ends January 31. - members have full use of lodge and facilities. - members have unlimited fishing privileges on plantation ponds. Dove Season Split Season: September 6 - October 5, October 25 - November 15, December 13 - December 30. Members may invite guests to dove shoots but no more than 20 hunters at any one time. Deer Season Bow - October 15 - January 31. Either sex. Bucks must be eight points or better. Gun - November 23 - January 31. Bucks must be eight points or better with minimum of 16 inch inside spread. Doe Days - October 15 - January 5. One doe per member per day until Jan 5, not to exceed 70 does for the entire club Members may occasionally invite guests, but no more than 10 hunters during any one hunt. A cooler is provided for all deer kills.
$500 fine imposed on anyone taking a deer less than the stated requirements.
SPRING TURKEY/FISHING Package :- $10,000.00 - 3 members or less - Lease starts March 1 and ends May 5. - members have full use of lodge and facilities. - members have unlimited fishing privileges on plantation ponds. Turkey Season - March 15 - April 30 Only mature toms may be harvested and only 5 birds per member
Deer Hunting 4 days (6 hunters minimum, 10 hunters maximum.) $1000.00 / person ( October bow hunting only ) $1250.00 / person ( November and December Months ) $1400.00 / person ( January ) Lodging included, no meals, fully equipped kitchen to prepare your own meals.
Monthly (6 hunters minimum, 10 hunters maximum.) $4000.00 / person ( November and December Months ) $5000.00 / person ( January )
Turkey Hunting 4 days (3 hunters minimum, 5 hunters maximum.) $1000.00 / person Lodging included, no meals, fully equipped kitchen to prepare your own meals. Daily $ 300.00 / person
Quail hunt per person, Full day $ 600.00 Includes overnight accommodations, meals, full day’s hunt. 20 quail limit per person February and March Only
Quail hunt per person, Full day $ 450.00 Includes noon meal No lodging 20 quail limit per person
Quail hunt per person, Half day $ 275.00 No Meal 12 quail limit per person
Additional quail over limit $ 8.00 each.
Fishing plus lodging (no meals) $ 200.00 / person / day
Fishing Only (no meals, no lodging) $ 75.00 / person / day
6 bass limit - catch and release after that. No limit on bream. Jon boats equipped with trolling motors can be rented for $ 25.00 / day.
Off Season Packages
During the off season ( February 1st to September 14th ) Bucksnort Plantation offers to the public the opportunity to rent the lodge facilities and fish ponds. Need a place to have a company meeting or that big party or family reunion? Or maybe just a quiet getaway with the wife and family? How about the Church Retreat? We have just what you are looking for. Whether its for a whole week, or just a weekend, we at Bucksnort Plantation will do our best to accommodate your needs.
Prices vary according to party arrangements, catering and numbers attending.
Please call three weeks in advance for booking for off season events.